Monday, June 9, 2008

Freshman Year in English

1.When I look all the way back to the beginning of the year I think I have stayed pretty much the same . I've gotten a little taller, and I have felt a lot more healthier than the beginning of the year. I think I may have matured a little bit, but in the experience type of way. I also think I have become a more responsible person this year and I think that is a great quality to have.

2. My least favorite topic to study this year was the book Seedfolks . I had a hard time reading that book. I did not find it interesting, which led to me not reading the book so I did not do well on the quizzes that were handed to me on that topic. The book was also hard to understand, I did not know what the book was about until we reviewed it for the final test.

3. The hardest topic to study this year I think was the Odyssey. I had a hard time with a number of things. I couldn't remember all the names of the Gods. The book was worded in a way I had a hard time to understand. The Odyssey was also such a long confusing book all the stories strung together in my head and I got even more confused So it took allot of studying and preparation to get a good grade in that unit.

4. My most favorite topic this year was the book Forged By Fire. That book caught my attention as soon as I started reading it. I also really liked the activities we did on it. I especially liked the newspaper article project we did. I was so interested in the book I read the other book connected to it Tears Of a Tiger. I think everybody can connect with that book in any slight way.

5. I would start off by saying freshman English with Ms.Strout Is going to be awesome! But if you don't do your work, you will be in a pickle. I would also warn them about Seedolks cause that book is horrible!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesdays Blog

1. In todays world I do think kids grow up too fast. Just the other day I found out someone I know was moving out of their parents house at just sixteen, which is a very young age to go out to the real world. I was watching sixty minutes a week ago and the interesting fact of the day was teen pregnancy went up by 5% in the past year. This just makes me think it might not be along time before i'm out on my own.

2. Geralds life is really different than the average high school student. He has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his half sister, he doesn't know who his real father is, he justlives with his mom and half sister,they don't have alot of money Gerald was abused as a kid, and he doesn't have much family at all. This made Gerald a very strong boy physically and mentally. This made him very responsible at a very young age which will come in handy when he gets older. I believe Gerald is one of the few people when they have a hard childhood turn out to be great people.
This is an example of choosing the right choice over the popular choice
3. One year when the volleyball season had begun I asked to be on two different teams but I could be only on one. The one teams had people that was a surefire victory in the tournament. On the other hand The other team had my friends that I have known for a long time but they weren't that good at the end of the day I made the tough decisions to go with my long time friends. Even though we lost in the first roung I felt as if I made the right decision

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 3-7 response

AT the end of my seventh grade year my dog became very sick. Every night I would wake up to my dog having seizures and throwing up. This went on for about two weeks of me just staying going to school coming home and taking care of my dog. It was very depressing. Every twenty minutes when she had a seizure I would have to clean up after her cause when you ahve a seizure you loose control of all your valves. After buying the best medicine money could buy she was still not getting better. So I knew it was time for the painful visit to the vet. I couldn't go to the vet cause my mom didn't want me to go and plus I had a baseball game so my step father tooik her in and put her to sleep. That night my other dog Zeus could't even sleep cause he wasn't able to sleep cause he was't used to his mother figure Kandy my other dog being there to take care of him. I was very sad for about 2 weeks sowas my dog Zeus who stopped eating because he wasn't used no having Kandy there. THat was one of the most toughest times in my ;life

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Child Abuse statistics

Child Abuse has been a big factor in America for many years.Here are some statistics for child abuse that might leave you shocked.

Approximately 906,000 kids suffer from abuse and neglect each year.

For every thousand kid that is abused approximately 16 kids are fatally abused.

Approximately 1,500 kids are killed each year from abuse and neglect which results just about four kids per day.

79% of the kids who are killed are under the age of 4

80% of young adults who were abused in their past will wind of in a psychiatric ward before the age of 21

1/3 of children abused will abuse their own children.
These statistics are compiled from the National Institute on Drug Abuse 2000 Report & Child Abuse & Neglect Study by Arthur Becker-Weidman PhD and

Friday, January 18, 2008

Animal farm propaganda post 2 example from real life

My next example is from Black and white thinking. When two of your friends get into a fight and they stop talking to each other. Which leaves you in the middle. Both of your friends have big egos (Not the waffles) and want all of their friends to pick a side including you. Which kinda leaves you guessing what will happen if you choose one or the other and see what will happen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


There are many examples of propaganda in the book Animal Farm. I am going to give 3 examples from the book and two examples from real life of propaganda.

First off i will do examples from real life, the example is bandwagon. In real life band wagon is like peer pressure. For example, your at aparty and everybody is drinking alcohol, and a group of people notice that you are not drinking. They'll start to bug you and call you names all for the sake that you do this thing just becausethey think it is cool.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

night post no. 1

It was the news people again always taking pictures of us. Everybody called them paparazzi but i called them pinnochio people cause there so nosey. But anyway the paparazzi came in and asked all of us to looke at the camera he was holding he told us to smile but everybody thought to themselves what is there to smile about. So everybody frowned my friend and the cabin leader who always brought us news Mortegei was told to stand up and show how skinny and starved we were . But me I wasn't going to be exploited not now,not ever. So I showed that cameraman the back of my head. He had told me to turn around about five or six times but I didn't listen. Than a german officer came and gave me to the count of three at two I turned around and looked at the camera, but soon as he went to take the shot I quickly turned around and showed one again the back of my head. That's it theres no more film in the camera and you I told you to turn around, the german officer yelled in an angered fashion. He grabbed me by my arm and saw that I had a badly burned face. He just shook his head and walked away.