Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesdays Blog

1. In todays world I do think kids grow up too fast. Just the other day I found out someone I know was moving out of their parents house at just sixteen, which is a very young age to go out to the real world. I was watching sixty minutes a week ago and the interesting fact of the day was teen pregnancy went up by 5% in the past year. This just makes me think it might not be along time before i'm out on my own.

2. Geralds life is really different than the average high school student. He has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his half sister, he doesn't know who his real father is, he justlives with his mom and half sister,they don't have alot of money Gerald was abused as a kid, and he doesn't have much family at all. This made Gerald a very strong boy physically and mentally. This made him very responsible at a very young age which will come in handy when he gets older. I believe Gerald is one of the few people when they have a hard childhood turn out to be great people.
This is an example of choosing the right choice over the popular choice
3. One year when the volleyball season had begun I asked to be on two different teams but I could be only on one. The one teams had people that was a surefire victory in the tournament. On the other hand The other team had my friends that I have known for a long time but they weren't that good at the end of the day I made the tough decisions to go with my long time friends. Even though we lost in the first roung I felt as if I made the right decision

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

Great response - thorough and well-connected to the text! 30/30