Wednesday, November 28, 2007

night post no. 1

It was the news people again always taking pictures of us. Everybody called them paparazzi but i called them pinnochio people cause there so nosey. But anyway the paparazzi came in and asked all of us to looke at the camera he was holding he told us to smile but everybody thought to themselves what is there to smile about. So everybody frowned my friend and the cabin leader who always brought us news Mortegei was told to stand up and show how skinny and starved we were . But me I wasn't going to be exploited not now,not ever. So I showed that cameraman the back of my head. He had told me to turn around about five or six times but I didn't listen. Than a german officer came and gave me to the count of three at two I turned around and looked at the camera, but soon as he went to take the shot I quickly turned around and showed one again the back of my head. That's it theres no more film in the camera and you I told you to turn around, the german officer yelled in an angered fashion. He grabbed me by my arm and saw that I had a badly burned face. He just shook his head and walked away.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Outsiders essay

Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn.”

This quote relates to Ponyboy’s life the most. What he is trying to say is that he’s been on the street his whole life and has learned and experienced nothing but the opposite of what he had hoped. Ponyboy has learned things like how to fight, how to live life being raised by just your brothers, and how to run from the police. I think he would have liked to learn the how to live a normal life with a regular family and a normal neighborhood without trouble surrounding him all the time. Surely he still came out to be a hero but I think he still wish things would have went in a better less troubled direction.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The ousiders post 2

Dally Winston yesterday was killed in a gas station parking lot yesterday for being suspected of a an armed robbery of a gas station. Once he was caught he pulled out a fake gun and the officer had no choice but to fire on the scene. His friends said once is best friend Johnny Cade died from result of the fire Dallas had nothing left in his life and let it all go. His peers fled after witnessing the shooting. Dallas Winston was always known to be a rough tough greaser that didn't take no beef from anybody. He will be remembered fo being one of the three kids that saved the children in the horrorfying and random fire at the church just a couple of days before. His peers and his family will miss him dearly.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The outsiders think of themselves as/

1. Family,who do you consider family.

I consider my family to be all the people related to me and all my friends.

2. what qualities make up your family

My family talk to each and support each other all through thick and thin

3.Do you consider relatives to be family

No I also think my friends are family too.


5. Do you think The greasers are family,why or why not?

Yes because they help each other and stick together no matter what.

5. cont.What do the greasers have that make them family

They have trust and loyalty in each other that makes them exactly like family